JANUARY 30, 2013
Thanks everone for your continued support.
A few more transformation options have been added such as:
HTML Entity Encode and Decode
Base64 Encode and Decode
Random Character Shuffle
Removal of All Vowels and
Removal of All Consonants.
You now have the option to save your transformation as a txt file
Flip text will now flip both upper and lower case text
Camel Case no longer removes all white space
The Select All and Copy to Clipboard works consistantly for all transformations
Better Lorem Ipsum generation. Generated text will now always be randomized.
To use the API just send your request via GET/POST. Here's an example on how to access the API using Jquery:
$.post("http://uppercaseit.com/", { service: 1, mode: "json", q:"String To Transform" }) alert(data.result1.output);
Here are the various parameters:
mode: [ json | text]
q: [ string ]
service: [ 1 - 24 ]
2: all lowercase
3: Initial Uppercase Each Word
4: Initial uppercase per sentence
5: Conserve Caps Without Prepositions and Conjunctions
6: Conserve Current Caps
7: Reverse Words
8: Reverse Letters Per Word
9: Text Flipped
10: Remove All Spaces
11: Camel Case
12: To Braille
13: To Morse Code
14: - Friendly urls
15: _ Friendly urls
16: URL Encode
17: URL Decode
18: Base64 Encode
19: Base64 Decode
20: HTML Entity Encode
21: HTML Entity Decode
22: Random Shuffle
23: Remove All Vowels
24: Remove All Consonants
We still have a few extra transformation features we'd like to add in the upcoming weeks.